

Και το σοκ που δημιουργεί είναι πολλαπλό, αφού με το συγκεκριμένο δημοσίευμα "βγάζει πρωθυπουργό" τον Πάνο Καμμένο, αφού τον παρουσιάζει ως αγνό πατριώτη που δεν ενδιαφέρεται για τον εαυτό του, αλλά μόνο για την Ελλάδα.
Επίσης, με το συγκεκριμένο δημοσίευμα φαίνεται πως η Νέα Δημοκρατία αποτραβιέται (δια της πλαγίας οδού) από την διεκδίκηση της κυβέρνησης, την οποία αφήνει στα χέρια του Πάνου Καμμένου.Αν μη τι άλλο, το δημοσίευμα της "Δημοκρατίας" αποτελεί κόλαφο για όλους όσους ήρθαν σε επαφή με την αμερικανική πρεσβεία ή αμερικανούς (πολιτικούς ή πράκτορες), οι οποίοι έδειξαν παντελή αδιαφορία για την Ελλάδα, ενώ φρόντισαν να "γλύψουν" αρκετά προκειμένου να έχουν την "επαρκή φροντίδα" από τις ΗΠΑ.
Εάν το δημοσίευμα δεν αποτελεί μέρος τακτικής και δεν υπάρξει μελλοντική δημοσίευση που θα αντιστρέψει όλα όσα βλέπουν το φως της δημοσιότητας, ο Πάνος Καμμένος αναδεικνύεται ως ο καταλληλότερος για να αναλάβει την πρωθυπουργία της χώρας, στην πλέον δύσκολη στιγμή για την Ελλάδα, αφού μόνο κάποιος πατριώτης μπορεί να ανταπεξέλθει στις πιέσεις και το βάρος των ευθυνών.

Παρά το ότι παρακολουθούμε στενά τις κινήσεις Καμμένου από την εποχή της εξεταστικής για τη Siemens και έχουμε εκτιμήσει αρκετές πτυχές του αγώνα του, δεν τον είχαμε εξιδανικεύσει αφού και αυτός ήταν μέλος του πολιτικού συστήματος όλα αυτά τα χρόνια.
Μετά όμως από αυτές τις αποκαλύψεις, οφείλουμε να πούμε ότι ακόμα και οι Αμερικανοί θα πρέπει να έμειναν έκπληκτοι. Έκπληκτοι, διότι μέχρι σήμερα, όπως φαινόταν από τα προηγούμενα τηλεγραφήματα που έχουν έλθει στο φως της δημοσιότητας, κάθε Έλληνας πολιτικός που προσέγγιζε τον Αμερικανικό παράγοντα, είχε ως σκοπό την …επίδειξη υποτέλειας και Εθνικής μειοδοσίας!
Θυμηθείτε τις αποκαλύψεις για τον ΓΑΠ και την προθυμία του να κάνει φύλλο και φτερό τα συμφέροντα της Ελλάδας…
Ειδικά όμως για τους γαλάζιους που έχουν αναφερθεί εως σήμερα στα Wikileaks, υπήρχαν τρία κοινά στοιχεία (και μιλάμε για εν ενεργεία βουλευτές της ΝΔ έτσι;)
1. Πλειοδοτούσαν στην συκοφαντία κατά του Καραμανλή, την ίδια στιγμή που ήταν κυβέρνηση!!
2. Συκοφαντούσαν συναδέλφους τους, υπουργούς! (π.χ. Παυλόπουλος)
3. Αδιαφορούσαν παντελώς για την πατρίδα τους! Δεν ζήτησαν απολύτως τίποτα για την χώρα, αντίθετα κοίταζαν να πλασάρουν το τομάρι τους ως πιστό γυμνοσάλιαγκα, έτοιμο για κάθε “παραχώρηση”!
Φανταστείτε λοιπόν την περίπτωση του Καμμένου και πόσο μεγάλη έκπληξη θα ένιωσαν, που για πρώτη φορά, Έλληνας πολιτικός και δη “Δεξιός”, μέλος της κυβέρνησης Καραμανλή, αντί να τους δηλώνει υποτέλεια και να θάβει τον “κακό Καραμανλή” και όποιον υπουργό του κάπνιζε, πήγαινε και ζητούσε χάρες για την πατρίδα του!!
Δηλαδή έχουμε την άκρως αντίθετη συμπεριφορά από όλους τους κρετίνους, τους γυμνοσάλιαγκες και εμετικούς ελληνόφωνους πολιτικάντηδες που παρήλασαν από την πρεσβεία…
Σύμφωνα λοιπόν πάντα με το δημοσίευμα της εφημερίδας “Δημοκρατία”, ο Πάνος Καμμένος στις τρεις συναντήσεις του με τους Αμερικανούς, δύο ως υπουργός και μία ως βουλευτής έκανε τα ακόλουθα:
1. Ως υπουργός: Ζήτησε να πιέσουν την Τουρκία, ώστε να ανακοπεί το ρεύμα των λαθρομεταναστών που έπνιγε την Ελλάδα! Δηλαδή το πρόβλημα που σήμερα όλοι, μα όλοι ανακαλύπτουν ασθμαίνοντες με κωμικές επιχειρήσεις σκούπα και δηλώσεις, ο Καμμένος το είχε θέσει ως υπουργός ακόμα και στους μόνους που ήταν σε θέση να πιέσουν ουσιαστικά την Τουρκία!
2. Ως υπουργός: Ζήτησε την συμβολή των Αμερικανών στην αναδιάρθρωση του Λιμενικού. Προφανώς κατά τα πρότυπα της πανίσχυρης Αμερικανικής Coast Guard που θεωρείται η πλέον αποτελεσματική στον πλανήτη. Κατά διαβολική σύμπτωση τώρα, πριν από 3 σχεδόν χρόνια, είχαμε δημοσιεύσει αποκλειστικά βίντεο για την αναβαθμισμένη δράση του Λιμενικού Σώματος που πραγματικά είχαν θωρακίσει το Αιγαίο! Είχαμε εκφράσει μάλιστα τον θαυμασμό και την έκπληξη μας για αυτή την (πρωτοφανή κατά τη γνώμη μας) νέα δομή λειτουργίας!
Δείτε τι γράφαμε στις 10/8/2009, όπου δίναμε ειδικά συγχαρητήρια στον Καμμένο, καθώς και τα εκπληκτικά βίντεο.
Οι επαφές του λοιπόν, δεν ξέρουμε εάν ευόδωσαν, το αποτέλεσμα πάντως εξηγείται από το πάθος που είχε ο άνθρωπος για να κάνει την δουλειά του. Ενδεικτικά, σύμφωνα και με τα στοιχεία που μετέδωσε προχθές ο Κ. Χαρδαβέλας στο Newsbomb.gr εκείνη την εποχή ο αριθμός αυτών που έμπαιναν λαθραία δια θαλάσσης, αναχαιτίσθηκαν κατά 80%!!!
3. Στην τρίτη συνάντηση ως βουλευτής, ο Καμμένος έκανε την …γαλάζια έκπληξη! Ενώ είναι γνωστό ότι επί κυβέρνησης Καραμανλή, ο κάθε πικραμένος βουλευτής ή υφυπουργός έβριζε και κάποιον υπουργό (ενώ κάποιοι υπουργοί έθαβαν τον κακό Καραμανλή), ο Καμμένος φέρεται (πάντα σύμφωνα με το δημοσίευμα) να πλέκει το εγκώμιο του τότε υπουργού…Μεϊμαράκη! Σε τέτοιο βαθμο μάλιστα που οι Αμερικανοί να λένε ότι θα ήθελε να γίνει υφυπουργός του!
Θυμηθείτε μόνο τι ειχε βγει στα Wikilieaks π.χ. για Σταϊκούρα και Τζιτζικώστα. Τι έλεγαν για τον Καραμανλή και Παυλόπουλο (ως κυβερνητικοί βουλευτές!) και κάντε τις συγκρίσεις σας.
Εν κατακλείδι, δεν ξέρουμε εάν το δημοσίευμα το επεδίωξε ο Καμμένος να βγει την συγκεκριμένη χρονική στιγμή, αλλά πραγματικά κάθε Έλληνας πρέπει να νιώσει μία νότα αισιοδοξίας που υπάρχει τουλάχιστον ΕΝΑΣ πολιτικός, που σύμφωνα πάντα με τους ίδιους τους Αμερικανούς αντί να δίνει όρκους υποτέλειας, προσπαθούσε να προασπίσει έμπρακτα τα συμφέροντα της Ελλάδας.
Άσε που… ανακαλύψαμε και έναν γαλάζιο μή Καραμανλοφάγο!
Εύγε Πάνο. Τίποτα εντέλει δεν είναι τυχαίο ή ουρανοκατέβατο.
ID : | 90465 |
RefID : | 06ATHENS3232 |
Date : | 21/12/2006 9:25:00 πμ |
Origin : | Embassy Athens |
Classification : | SECRET |
- Header :
S E C R E T ATHENS 003232
E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/21/2016
B. ATHENS 2868
C. ATHENS 2687
Classified By: DCM Thomas Countryman. REASONS 1.4 (B) AND (D).
1. (C) SUMMARY: Despite the importance of his position, Greek
Minister of Defense Vangelis Meimarakis remains largely an
unknown quantity for the international community. Greeks,
however, nearly universally regard him as a fish out of
water. A New Democracy party politician and electoral
strategist with little apparent understanding of military
issues, Meimarakis reportedly was sent by PM Karamanlis last
February to the MOD to overcome traditional MOD/MFA
rivalries. Overshadowed on military issues by Greek CHOD
Chinofotis -- the closest thing modern Greece has seen to a
soldier/diplomat )- Meimarakis spent much of the fall
orchestrating ND,s victory in October local elections. But
his surprise December 12 lightning visit to Greek troops in
Afghanistan may indicate a new awareness of the political
potential of the MOD portfolio. Unfortunately for
Meimarakis, wanna-be replacements have already begun circling
in anticipation of early Parliamentary elections in late
spring or fall 2007. END SUMMARY.
2. (C) Minister of Defense Vangelis Meimarakis (age 53)
occupies one of the most important positions in the Greek
government. Yet with a seat at the NATO table, command of
military assets in a strategic region, and control over a
military budget that is the envy of many European defense
ministers, Meimarakis has done little since taking office in
February 2006 either to advance the interests of Greece in
the international community or to advance the MOD,s
interests in domestic bureaucratic infighting. It is not
that he has tried and failed or made a mess of things.
Rather, he has been largely absent, focusing his energies on
his forte, New Democracy (ND) party politics and elections.
Thus, he has avoided contact with diplomats and rarely
intervenes (as he could) on NATO issues -- leaving others at
the MOD and in the GOG to fill the void.
3. (SBU) Key to understanding Meimarakis, approach to the
MOD portfolio lies in his long party biography. A founding
member of ND,s youth league ONNED in 1974, Meimarakis has
spent all his adult life promoting the party. A lawyer by
training, he was involved in student politics at Athens
University. He practiced briefly at a private firm but was
soon caught up entirely in party activities and was elected
to the ONNED executive board in 1984. He led the
organization three years later to sweeping victories in
university student association elections at the height of
Andreas Papandreou,s second PASOK government.
4. (SBU) Meimarakis, performance attracted the attention of
then-ND party leader Kostas Mitsotakis. An early friendship
with Mitsotakis, daughter (now Foreign Minister) Dora
Bakoyannis helped pull Meimarakis into the inner ND circle;
in the 1989 elections, Mitsotakis endorsed Meimarakis for the
Athens B district Parliamentary seat, which he has held ever
since. Meimarakis served as ND party whip and Deputy
Minister of Sports during the short-lived Mitsotakis
government (1990-93).
5. (C) Meimarakis soon emerged as a key ND political
strategist. Beginning in 1996, he held various election
planning posts and was eventually appointed Secretary for
Electoral Planning, a post he held until 2001, when he became
party Central Committee Secretary. Though widely viewed as
one of &Dora,s boys,8 Meimarakis also cultivated good
relations with the Karamanlis bloc, winning ND leader Kostas
Karamanlis, confidence. In the months preceding ND,s March
2004 general election victory, Meimarakis ran a tireless
campaign mobilizing local party organizations, cementing his
6. (C) Meimarakis, appointment as Defense Minister in
February 2006 came as a surprise. Chairman of the
Parliamentary Committee for Defense and Foreign Policy Panos
Kammenos told us that the MOD portfolio &was not
Meimarakis, first choice.8 Worse, Meimarakis had a tough
act to follow, replacing Spilios Spiliotopoulos, a former Air
Force pilot. Observers believe PM Karamanlis placed
Meimarakis in the position to work with his old friend and
newly appointed Foreign Minister Bakoyannis to overcome the
intense, if muffled, rivalry between the MOD and MFA.
7. (C) As defense minister, Meimarakis could hardly be more
different from his predecessor. Where Spiliotopoulos was
warmly accepted by the military and closely managed key
programs (particularly arms procurement), Meimarakis has been
distant. He reportedly spends little time in the office,
appears to have out-sourced procurement decisions to a
meticulous (and very slow) lawyer, and has rarely traveled
abroad to meet foreign counterparts (his lack of foreign
language ability may contribute to this). At the same time,
he has continued to focus his energies on ND politics and
worked hard for the party in the campaign for the October
local and regional elections (in which ND did well against
opposition PASOK).
8. (C) The MOD,s leadership vacuum has increasingly been
filled by Chief of Defense (CHOD) Admiral Panagiotis
Chinofotis, who has devoted considerable energy to building
confidence with the Turkish military (ref a). The Embassy
regularly approaches Chinofotis on substantive matters and
has found him to be an effective and straightforward
interlocutor. His influence was critical in the decision to
grant the U.S. CFE entitlements for armored personnel
carriers for training in Romania and Bulgaria (ref b). He
has also taken a pro-active approach to resolving the problem
of U.S.-origin equipment transferred from Greece to Cyprus
without authorization (ref c).
9. (C) More recently, however, Meimarakis has shown
indications of greater engagement. On December 12 he made a
surprise visit to Greek medical and engineering personnel in
Afghanistan. The precise reasons behind the visit remain
unclear. While MFA NATO office director Ambassador Zografos
told us the purpose of the visit was to highlight Greece´s
Afghanistan contribution for the Greek public, it is more
likely that, in the wake of the Riga summit, the GOG felt a
need to underscore its contribution since it had indicated
publicly it would not send additional forces or lift caveats.
On December 20, Meimarakis )- accompanied by Chinofotis --
also made a much-publicized visit to the Greek frigate
Kountouriotis, which was traveling to the Lebanese coast to
replace the Kanaris in the UNIFIL operation.
10. (C) Some see Meimarakis, increased activity as directly
related to his true obsession: electoral politics. MP
Kammenos believes Meimarakis, heightened interest in the MOD
was because &he sees that military issues can be used in
politics.8 According to Kammenos, Meimarakis could do well
in the position if he received good support. As for
management at the MOD, Kammenos believed Meimarakis should
focus on the big picture and leave operations to strong
deputies. (COMMENT: Neither of Meimarakis, two deputies
have shown a taste or talent for making hard decisions, and
Kammenos is obviously positioning himself for such a job.
END COMMENT.) Kammenos also told us that Meimarakis had
asked him personally to oversee military procurement issues,
which have been a notorious source of corruption in Greece,
but are now targeted for clean-up by the Karamanlis
11. (S) While the next regular elections are not scheduled
until 2008, it is more likely that Karamanlis will call early
elections in the late spring or early fall of 2007. Given
Meimarakis, performance at the MOD, it would be logical for
him to step down as minister at that time, and replacement
candidates have already begun to appear. Sources have told
us that the PM is considering Justice Minister Anastasios
Papaligouras, who reportedly would welcome the appointment.
From our perspective, we would welcome a defense minister
with greater engagement in issues key to both the U.S. and
;2006-12-21 09:25
E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/21/2016
B. ATHENS 2868
C. ATHENS 2687
Classified By: DCM Thomas Countryman. REASONS 1.4 (B) AND (D).
1. (C) SUMMARY: Despite the importance of his position, Greek
Minister of Defense Vangelis Meimarakis remains largely an
unknown quantity for the international community. Greeks,
however, nearly universally regard him as a fish out of
water. A New Democracy party politician and electoral
strategist with little apparent understanding of military
issues, Meimarakis reportedly was sent by PM Karamanlis last
February to the MOD to overcome traditional MOD/MFA
rivalries. Overshadowed on military issues by Greek CHOD
Chinofotis -- the closest thing modern Greece has seen to a
soldier/diplomat )- Meimarakis spent much of the fall
orchestrating ND,s victory in October local elections. But
his surprise December 12 lightning visit to Greek troops in
Afghanistan may indicate a new awareness of the political
potential of the MOD portfolio. Unfortunately for
Meimarakis, wanna-be replacements have already begun circling
in anticipation of early Parliamentary elections in late
spring or fall 2007. END SUMMARY.
2. (C) Minister of Defense Vangelis Meimarakis (age 53)
occupies one of the most important positions in the Greek
government. Yet with a seat at the NATO table, command of
military assets in a strategic region, and control over a
military budget that is the envy of many European defense
ministers, Meimarakis has done little since taking office in
February 2006 either to advance the interests of Greece in
the international community or to advance the MOD,s
interests in domestic bureaucratic infighting. It is not
that he has tried and failed or made a mess of things.
Rather, he has been largely absent, focusing his energies on
his forte, New Democracy (ND) party politics and elections.
Thus, he has avoided contact with diplomats and rarely
intervenes (as he could) on NATO issues -- leaving others at
the MOD and in the GOG to fill the void.
3. (SBU) Key to understanding Meimarakis, approach to the
MOD portfolio lies in his long party biography. A founding
member of ND,s youth league ONNED in 1974, Meimarakis has
spent all his adult life promoting the party. A lawyer by
training, he was involved in student politics at Athens
University. He practiced briefly at a private firm but was
soon caught up entirely in party activities and was elected
to the ONNED executive board in 1984. He led the
organization three years later to sweeping victories in
university student association elections at the height of
Andreas Papandreou,s second PASOK government.
4. (SBU) Meimarakis, performance attracted the attention of
then-ND party leader Kostas Mitsotakis. An early friendship
with Mitsotakis, daughter (now Foreign Minister) Dora
Bakoyannis helped pull Meimarakis into the inner ND circle;
in the 1989 elections, Mitsotakis endorsed Meimarakis for the
Athens B district Parliamentary seat, which he has held ever
since. Meimarakis served as ND party whip and Deputy
Minister of Sports during the short-lived Mitsotakis
government (1990-93).
5. (C) Meimarakis soon emerged as a key ND political
strategist. Beginning in 1996, he held various election
planning posts and was eventually appointed Secretary for
Electoral Planning, a post he held until 2001, when he became
party Central Committee Secretary. Though widely viewed as
one of &Dora,s boys,8 Meimarakis also cultivated good
relations with the Karamanlis bloc, winning ND leader Kostas
Karamanlis, confidence. In the months preceding ND,s March
2004 general election victory, Meimarakis ran a tireless
campaign mobilizing local party organizations, cementing his
6. (C) Meimarakis, appointment as Defense Minister in
February 2006 came as a surprise. Chairman of the
Parliamentary Committee for Defense and Foreign Policy Panos
Kammenos told us that the MOD portfolio &was not
Meimarakis, first choice.8 Worse, Meimarakis had a tough
act to follow, replacing Spilios Spiliotopoulos, a former Air
Force pilot. Observers believe PM Karamanlis placed
Meimarakis in the position to work with his old friend and
newly appointed Foreign Minister Bakoyannis to overcome the
intense, if muffled, rivalry between the MOD and MFA.
7. (C) As defense minister, Meimarakis could hardly be more
different from his predecessor. Where Spiliotopoulos was
warmly accepted by the military and closely managed key
programs (particularly arms procurement), Meimarakis has been
distant. He reportedly spends little time in the office,
appears to have out-sourced procurement decisions to a
meticulous (and very slow) lawyer, and has rarely traveled
abroad to meet foreign counterparts (his lack of foreign
language ability may contribute to this). At the same time,
he has continued to focus his energies on ND politics and
worked hard for the party in the campaign for the October
local and regional elections (in which ND did well against
opposition PASOK).
8. (C) The MOD,s leadership vacuum has increasingly been
filled by Chief of Defense (CHOD) Admiral Panagiotis
Chinofotis, who has devoted considerable energy to building
confidence with the Turkish military (ref a). The Embassy
regularly approaches Chinofotis on substantive matters and
has found him to be an effective and straightforward
interlocutor. His influence was critical in the decision to
grant the U.S. CFE entitlements for armored personnel
carriers for training in Romania and Bulgaria (ref b). He
has also taken a pro-active approach to resolving the problem
of U.S.-origin equipment transferred from Greece to Cyprus
without authorization (ref c).
9. (C) More recently, however, Meimarakis has shown
indications of greater engagement. On December 12 he made a
surprise visit to Greek medical and engineering personnel in
Afghanistan. The precise reasons behind the visit remain
unclear. While MFA NATO office director Ambassador Zografos
told us the purpose of the visit was to highlight Greece´s
Afghanistan contribution for the Greek public, it is more
likely that, in the wake of the Riga summit, the GOG felt a
need to underscore its contribution since it had indicated
publicly it would not send additional forces or lift caveats.
On December 20, Meimarakis )- accompanied by Chinofotis --
also made a much-publicized visit to the Greek frigate
Kountouriotis, which was traveling to the Lebanese coast to
replace the Kanaris in the UNIFIL operation.
10. (C) Some see Meimarakis, increased activity as directly
related to his true obsession: electoral politics. MP
Kammenos believes Meimarakis, heightened interest in the MOD
was because &he sees that military issues can be used in
politics.8 According to Kammenos, Meimarakis could do well
in the position if he received good support. As for
management at the MOD, Kammenos believed Meimarakis should
focus on the big picture and leave operations to strong
deputies. (COMMENT: Neither of Meimarakis, two deputies
have shown a taste or talent for making hard decisions, and
Kammenos is obviously positioning himself for such a job.
END COMMENT.) Kammenos also told us that Meimarakis had
asked him personally to oversee military procurement issues,
which have been a notorious source of corruption in Greece,
but are now targeted for clean-up by the Karamanlis
11. (S) While the next regular elections are not scheduled
until 2008, it is more likely that Karamanlis will call early
elections in the late spring or early fall of 2007. Given
Meimarakis, performance at the MOD, it would be logical for
him to step down as minister at that time, and replacement
candidates have already begun to appear. Sources have told
us that the PM is considering Justice Minister Anastasios
Papaligouras, who reportedly would welcome the appointment.
From our perspective, we would welcome a defense minister
with greater engagement in issues key to both the U.S. and
;2006-12-21 09:25
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